Saturday 3 March 2012

DAY TEN: Shaken, Not Stirred

Despite my outward appearance of pure class and sophistication (lolz), I had not, until today’s challenge, indulged in one of the most suave activities out there: sipping on a classic Martini.  Day 10 was therefore the moment to rectify this.

I have, in the past, tried variations on the traditional Martini.  A particular favourite is Balans Cafe’s Porn Star Martini, a passion fruit concoction which comes with a shot of champagne.  Very lethal.  However, for one reason or another, my inner James Bond has never been treated to the original formula.  Straight Martini mix, “shaken, not stirred”, with an olive or two to seal the deal.

So this is what I ordered at a swanky little cocktail bar on London’s Fleet Street.  I gave strict instructions to the slightly bemused barmaid: “a classic Martini, you know, like James Bond?”  She got out the iconic, sleek glass and set to work preparing my beverage.  To be honest, it didn’t take long as there’s basically only one ingredient.  My friend’s Bloody Mary, with all its garnishes and spices, required much more time to put together (Incidentally, Bloody Mary is a drink I can’t really stomach. It’s basically soup, right?)

The name's Watkins. Rich Watkins.
The Martini was basically as I was expecting.  Strong and powerful, simultaneously sweet and bitter.  It hit the spot from my first taste, and certainly packed a punch.  Fortunately I had just eaten, or else I would have been rolling on the floor.  Unfortunately, due to last night’s antics, I had little desire to drink anything stronger than Ribena and was battling a mighty case of the hangover blues.  Therefore, after about five sips, I was ready to eat the olive and go.  But in the spirit of completing my 40 Day Challenge, I soldiered on and finished every last drop of liqueur.  The things I do for you all...

I wouldn’t say no to drinking a classic Martini again, primarily for the novelty and image.  Unlike James Bond, however, I could not drink it on every outing.  My liver would probably not be too happy if I did.  And sometimes all you want is a good old pint of lager in a pub with sticky tables and stained beer mats.  It may not be sophisticated, but it hits the spot.

Day 10: Drink a traditional Martini.  CHECK!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

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