Sunday 26 February 2012

DAY FOUR: Boogie Shoes

“You can always judge a man by his shoes” goes the old adage.  Well, if that’s the case, my reputation is most likely in the gutter.  Too many of my shoes have been ruined by gaping holes, immovable stains or worn-down soles.  In London, the wettest city this side of Niagara, this can be a bit of an issue.  And so, to avoid a severe case of trench foot, I have decided to follow the advice of one-time chart topper Paolo Nutini, and get me some New Shoes.

In the spirit of my Experiment4Lent challenge, I couldn’t very well pop down to my local cobblers and buy any old pair of shoes, could I?  No no.  I must, by my own ruling, do something different and unique.  With this in mind, my challenge for Day Four was to design and create my very own pair of shoes.  Pretty nifty, eh?

Now, before you picture me toiling away in a designer’s workshop, or spending the day in an Aldo sweatshop, let me stop you right there.  In my usual relaxed (lazy) style, I created my new footwear from the comfort of my own bedroom.  With a little help from a brilliant website:

And if I may say so myself, I’m pretty chuffed with my efforts.  Given ultimate control over every detail, I didn't even think of holding back.  Understated colours?  Not likely.  Simple patterns?  Yeah right.  When I do things, I don't do things by half.  This might explain why, although only intending to buy one pair of shoes, I logged off with two.  Apologies, bank balance...

Check out my designs:

Inspired by Keith Haring's Graffiti 
The immensely colourful and cool prints of Graffiti artist Keith Haring provided the inspiration for my first order. Those little guys look like they're having such  a fun time dancing away at some multi-coloured party.  What better place for this "groovy" scene than my feet?  Talk about putting on your dancing shoes...

Tetris.  Awesome. 

Design number two: Tetris. Because... well, why the hell not?  

It will be another 10 working days before my new "threads" arrive  - just think of all the Lent experiences I'll have had before I get these bad boys on!  Here's just hoping they actually fit...  Fingers, and toes (#terriblepun), crossed.

Day Four:  make me some legendary shoes.  DONE!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

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