Wednesday 22 February 2012


So here goes...

The flour and eggs have been safely put away and Pancake Day - the glutton's favourite "holiday" - has come to an end.  It will be a whole year before we can once again gorge on as much Nutella as we can stomach.  This somber fact is no less somber than what follows Pancake Day:  Lent.  The dreaded 40 Days of attempting (and inevitably failing) to go without crisps/fags/chocolate/vodka/food in general.  Many a time have I tried to give up some (all) of the above.  Many a time have I failed.  So in the spirit of 2012 - allegedly our last year on the planet - I'm breaking the rules of Lent and depriving myself no more.  This year, I am to take on my own personal 40 Day Challenge:  "To try one new thing every day throughout Lent".  My daily goals will range from the culinary to the cultural, from the practical to the downright saucy (suggestions always welcome, especially the last category).  Join me in discovering if I will be able to keep it up and experience something completely new for the next 40 Days.  And why do this?  To make the slow arrival of Spring more fun and bearable.  To enrich myself (a little bit).  Basically, to Experiment4Lent...

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