Unlike some of my more spontaneous endeavours, Day 7’s new experience is the result of
much planning and preparation. Two and a
half months to be precise. This is how long
I have been rehearsing for a production of Anton Chekhov’s The Three Sisters,
Bridewell Theatre 28th February – 3rd March.

And so today, along with a dozen other talented (foolish?) thespians,
I graced the Bridewell stage. We have
been working our little amateur socks off to bring Chekhov’s most famous work to
life: late night rehearsals, endless hours
of painting and decorating and even transporting some bizarre props across London
(now Day 5 makes sense!). And today we discovered if our efforts paid off,
of if there will be a very eloquent Russian rolling in his grave.
Fortunately (and if I may say so myself), our performance
was well-received. But don’t take my
word for it. If you want to pass judgement for yourself, you have until Saturday evening. At worst, you will see a bunch of hopefuls
dressed in beautiful nineteenth century dress waxing lyrical about work and
depression. Alternatively, you may even
enjoy yourself, and develop an interest in all things Ruski.
Day seven: Perform on the
Bridewell stage. TICK!
Peace & Love,
Rich xx
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