Monday 27 February 2012

DAY FIVE: One For My Baby

Who's your Daddy?

Today, Ladies and Gentlemen, I became a father.  Experiment4Lent just got serious.

Ok, I'm totally kidding.

Other than embarking on a new career as a professional babysitter, this would probably be the most logical explanation for wheeling a Victorian-style pram around central London on a warm Sunday morning.  The reality is somewhat more bizarre and will be explained in due course.  Check back on Day 7 for the big reveal...!

When I was asked to look after a genuine antique pram (sans baby, I should add) for a day, it seemed like a brilliant new experience for Day Five of this blog.  I’ll admit, pretending to be a young father for the day wasn’t exactly what I envisaged doing when I started my 40 Day Challenge, but it seemed like a hilarious thing to do, and did indeed provide much amusement.  Posing with gal-pal Emily Lake as proud first-time parents on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral; getting admiring looks from kind strangers; using my new-born as an excuse to barge past hordes of tourists.  It all proved more fun than I could have imagined.

Happy Families
A particular highlight occurred when a well-wishing old lady came to meet our little miracle.  Her coo’s of endearment turned quickly into oo’s of confusion when she was met with an empty pram.  Emily and I, of course, carried on like normal.  More fool her for making the gross assumption that a pram must contain a baby.  Combating prejudice, one stereotype at a time.  Rock on.

So today’s adLenture wasn’t exactly the most orthodox, but that’s exactly the point of these 40 Days.  And as well as making me laugh (a lot), taking on parenthood also provided me with a glowing insight into the future.  2013’s must have accessory?  The Vintage Pram.  You saw it here first, folks.

Day Five:  Chaperone a pram to the delight and horror of London's tourists. CHECK!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

1 comment:

  1. Keep that vulgar nasty man away from my invisable child!
    Pram's empty because you ate her, right.

    Jill (aka Mrs P.)
