Saturday 25 February 2012

DAY THREE: Bicycle Race

Look.  I'm going to be straight up with you guys.  Unfortunately, not every day of my 40 Day Challenge will be quite as remarkable as Day Two.  Firstly because London Fashion Week doesn't happen every day of the year (the clue's in the name...!), and secondly because I'm not certain that my liver/finances/sanity could quite bear it.  

So for Day Three, I decided to do something which would not only benefit my well-being, but also my bank account and good old Mother Nature.  For my daily commute to work on Day Three, it bid farewell to public transport, and jumped on my bike. 

I feel a bit of background info is needed here.  1) I work.  2) My office is about 6 miles from my front door.  Approximately 5.9 miles of which are busy, crowded London roads. 3) I cycle, but am what you would undoubtedly call a fair-weather cyclist.  Only at the weekend, and never during Rush Hour.  Until now.

8.20am: I set off from home.  On a quiet day the cycle would take no more than half an hour.  But at this time of the morning, with hundreds of other city-workers to contend with, a bit more time is certainly necessary to arrive by 9am.  Helmet safely on (safety first kids!), trousers securely tucked into my socks (#sexyandIknowit), it's time to hit the road.  Hopefully not literally.  A quick prayer and I'm off.  Will I survive??!!

9am:  Ok, so obviously I did survive.  That's probably no surprise.  But not without my fair share of near-misses and close shaves.  Trying to dodge past cars, taxis and what felt like hundreds of other petrified cyclists is no easy task.  And every time I had to pass a big, stinking London bus, it felt like this:

However, despite any stress, I have no lasting scars or traumas, and am glad to have saved on my bus fare.  Would I do it again?  Maybe in the future.  I'm not certain my colleagues could deal with my sweaty, disheveled appearance every day of the week.  What this little adventure has given me is some inspiration for different ways of getting to work, which I'll be experimenting with over the next 40 Days.  Before the rumour mill goes mad:  No, I will not be commuting by helicopter.  Sorry, people, I'm not that awesome.  Not quite. 

Day Three:  Cycle to work.  SORTED!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

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