Wednesday 22 February 2012

DAY ONE: Virtual Insanity

Good Morning All!

It's Day One, which means my first new experience begins right here.  And you are reading it.  For a long time now I have been trying to discipline myself into starting some kind of Blog (#strugglingartist) but - in my usual indecisive way - couldn't find the right subject matter.  Until now.  This new online 40 Day venture is very much an adventure for me, and I will be learning as I go.  So patience, please.  "Why write about this though?" I'm sure you are asking.  Well, I know with fair certainty that, if I were to keep this little experiment private, I would give up by Day Four (when you see this week's requirements, you'll understand).  By writing down my mad musings, a little bit of my conscious will hopefully make me obey my self-imposed rules.  Simples.  
Also, and here is where you all come in, my online postings will allow you to follow my "progress" step-by-step, and even recommend some exciting things for me to do (be nice...)  Join me in my Experiment4Lent adventure, and witness me rise to the challenge, or fail miserably and deactivate my Blogger account.  Either way, you get to point and laugh from the comfort of your keyboard, something which I know well all love to do....

So there we have it.  
Day One's new venture:  Start a Blog.  CHECK!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

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