Thursday 1 March 2012

DAY EIGHT: The Name of the Game

Between working all day, performing in the evening and keeping you lot updated on my adLentures, any spare time I have this week has basically been devoted to eating or sleeping.  And that’s if I’m lucky.  With this in mind (and because my potential for new experiences is significantly greater when awake), Day 8 was time for my first culinary challenge.

Frenchman Simon gets his hands on some British grub
Lunchtime in the City of London, and there’s only one place to go for anything other than mass-produced sandwiches or over-priced haute cuisine: Borough Market.  One o’clock strikes, and I cross London Bridge to descend into the maze-like alleyways which make up the historic marketplace. The winding streets are filled with stalls selling authentic foodstuffs and delicacies from across the world. For today’s challenge – adhering to the philosophy of “crawl before you run” – I decided to start small and save more exotic cuisine for further down the line.  Now I’m not normally a conservative eater, but for one reason or another, I have never tasted the English hunting delicacy Venison.  So when I saw it on the menu at trendy takeaway The Guildable Manor, I couldn't resist.

One word: Nom
Today’s delicacy was the Game Baguette: Venison & Wild Boar flavoured with red wine & fresh apricot served in a bread roll with a bit of salad.  A real culinary connoisseur would probably have my head on a plate (#terriblepun) for claiming that game meat prepared on a griddle and thrown into a baguette is anything to write home about.  However, the food was not only organically and naturally sourced (so claimed the multi-tasking waiter/chef/cashier), but it didn’t taste at all bad. The venison was tender and moist, and I finished my whole lunch without hesitation. My only bizarre observation was that it tasted vaguely of pot. This could well have been the salad garnish – we were south of the river, after all.

And there we have it.  The first culinary challenge of my 40 days went down smoothly, and I am no longer a “venison virgin”. Will I eat the meat again?  Well, if it’s on the menu, I’d definitely be Game.  Sorry...

Day Eight: Eat venison. DONE!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

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