Monday 9 April 2012


Day 40: The final day. Although I considered a number of outrageous and challenging tasks for my final adLenture, the most notable and meaningful thing I would do on Easter Sunday was obvious: complete my 40 Day Challenge. Back when my blog began, Day 1 signified the first time I had taken something like this on. In the same way, Day 40 is the only time I have actually completed a Lent activity. As I told you once before, I have tried and failed many times to keep my promises during the period. This year was different. Lent is now over, and I have done one new thing every day for 40 days. So that’s my new experience: finally complete my experiment4lent.

The past month and a half have been a mad, demanding and fulfilling time. One early positive effect of my adLenture was that I quickly realised how exciting my life has been to date. So many challenges I thought up or had suggested were deemed “not blog-worthy” because I’d done them before. Horse riding? Been there. Rock climbing? Done that. Hitchhike? Got the designer t-shirt. Even some of the more extreme suggestions – such as sleeping rough for the night and removing all body hair – were “off-limits” for not being completely new. So finding 40 new experiences was a challenge in itself...

What I did eventually come up with has led me on some weird and wonderful paths. From the culinary (I still can’t go into a Macdonalds and the thought of chicken feet will always make me retch), to the spiritual and the athletic, my experiences have been fantastically bizarre. Although some were less daring than other – remember walking to work, anyone? – certain days really tested my mettle. The gospel church, Silat martial arts and the Fish Pedicure in particular spring to mind. Not to mention getting my kit of in front of a dozen artists, numerous city workers and hundreds of Hungarian men. My physical appearance itself has actually transformed: though the tan has faded and my hair has grown, my teeth are still dazzling. Until the red wine takes its toll again, my smile at least will continue to remind me of the past 40 Days.

All that’s left now is to thank all of you. It’s been real, guys. Thank you firstly for reading; although I got a lot out of this whole experience, the real point was to write it down and potentially provide a bit of online entertainment for anyone interested. I hope I’ve raised a smile and perhaps even given you a bit of impetus to get experimenting for yourselves! I must also thank many of you for the kind feedback. Starting a blog was a bit daunting, so it’s been really encouraging to have my efforts complimented. Aww you guys!

Sentimental bit done, it’s now time for a promise: this isn’t goodbye, it’s see you soon. I’ll be back (in some way, shape or form) with more experiments and adventures to report. No concrete plans yet, but watch this space. In other words, keep following. Hit me up on twitter to keep on top of this. You know where to find me:!/RichWatkins89. See you soon guys!

Day 40: Experiment4Lent. 100% DONE!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

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