Saturday 31 March 2012

DAY TWENTY-EIGHT: Tie Me Kangaroo Down

After the resounding success of my Game sandwich a couple of weeks ago, Day 28 saw me once more cross London Bridge, descend into Borough Market, and embark on another food-based challenge.  As my last lunchtime venture saw me sample a typically British delicacy, this time I decided to spread my wings a bit further and see what delights could be found from further afield. More specifically, Australia. On today’s menu: Kangaroo Burger.

Meat Madness
To source my exotic lunchtime treat, I headed directly to the Gamston Wood Farm market stall, famous for its quirky meats and bizarre offerings. Gamston Wood’s specialty is ostrich; their typical product base includes everything from ostrich meat to eggs to feathers.  In addition to this staple, Gamston Wood also sources other exotic meat to add to their menu.  It’s a bit of a lucky dip of what might be available: Elk, Buffalo, Zebra, Wilderbeast, Reindeer and Springbok have all been known to appear, as well as other more mysterious offerings such as Kudu and Wagyu. It’s like a safari on a plate! Apologies to any vegetarians reading...

And so when I arrived at Gamston Wood’s market stall, I didn’t yet know what delight I would be sampling. It all depends on what’s on offer that day. On this particular occasion, it was Kangaroo. I was somewhat worried by this... My feelings towards the Kangaroo were, like most 90s kids, formed by Skippy and the Hundred Acre Wood’s most famous Mother-Son duo. Eating a Kangaroo has never been something I've particularly wanted to do, in the same way that I wouldn’t opt to eat a cuddly toy or Bambi.

G'Day Mate!
In reality, I was reassured, Kangaroos are less cutesy creature, more aggressive beast, and have been a source of meat in the southern hemisphere for many, many years. This slightly softened my feelings of disgust and I felt calm enough to order my Kangaroo Burger. Sue, the owner of Gamston Wood Farm and my waitress for the day, put the Kangaroo meat on the griddle and started frying away. A couple of minutes later and my lunch was ready: a succulent burger served with onions, cheese and salad.

To tell you the truth, if you’d told me I was eating a beef burger, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. That’s not to say the food wasn’t delicious – the burger was juicy and the flavours well-balanced – but it wasn’t exactly extraordinary. When you really thought about it, the Kangaroo was kind of “meatier” than beef (as vague and unspecific as that is), but admittedly the most startling thing about it was the very idea of eating Kangaroo. Once you got over that hurdle, the rest was plain sailing. Or should I say plain hopping...

Day 28: Eat Kangaroo. CHECK!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

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