Monday 19 March 2012


Day 23: St Patrick’s Day.  The celebration of Ireland’s Patron Saint (and all things Irish in general) and regarded by many as the friendliest day of the year.  It is also a day when most people forget their usual obligations and devote themselves to drinking as much Guinness as physically possible – and then a bit more.  Unfortunately for me, I had my 40 Day Challenge to think about.  Fortunately for me, I’ve never really celebrated St Paddy’s Day in true Irish fashion.  What a happy coincidence!  Time to kill two birds with one Blarney Stone.  Sorry...

My Poison For The Day
I know what you’re thinking: how can a self-confessed fun-fiend have never partied the St Patrick way? Well, I'll admit that I've come close (2010 springs to mind...), but I've either always had to throw in the towel early and never fully commit to the celebrations, or have simply been in the wrong place at the right time. Something potentially more shocking is that I’ve never actually drunk a full pint of Guinness. You may have guessed that I'm more of a Vodka & Cranberry kind of guy, so this might come as no surprise to you.  Well this year it was all about to change.  St Patrick: do your worst.

My day started well.  I rummaged in my wardrobe until I found the perfect outfit: enough green clothing to show up any resident of Emerald City.  I was glad those awful trousers had finally come in handy, and even gladder that I could still squeeze into them.

Dress to Impress
When I was sure I looked the part, I set off to join in the festivities.  Destination:  The Cobden, a traditional Irish pub in the heart of Camden.  Perfect.  I was due to meet a number of friends, including Jill: an Irish national (originally from Cork) who had conveniently brought many of her “native” friends with her.  If Jill is anything to go by, they’d all be adequately lively and we’d be in for a fun few hours...

I greeted the group (urges to cry “Top o’ the Mornin’ to Ya!” were fortunately resisted) and soon had my first pint of Guinness in hand.  I began drinking away but soon had to stop.  This isn't a beverage you put away quickly, particularly with an inexperienced palate.  I soldiered on and eventually got to the end of my glass, feeling like I’d just had a good meal.  No sooner had I finished that one off than I had my next pint in my hand.  I embraced the Irish custom and carried on.

Getting a bit "merry"...
Needless to say, my memory becomes somewhat foggy from here on in.  What I can tell you is that there was a brilliant atmosphere in the place, which wasn’t even dampened when Ireland lost at the rugby (they were playing England.  Awkward...) A good time was had by all – I think – and I learnt a valuable lesson.  Guinness is a potent drink.  Proceed with caution.

Day Twenty-Three:  Party like Patrick.  TO BE SURE!

Peace & Love,
Rich xx

1 comment:

  1. I'm from WATERFORD! (Ruth is from Cork though.) And you're right about the Guinness, as the locals would say "Shur there's eatin and drinkin in that." Jill x
